To give support to our users, we have created our support forum. There you can ask your entire theme related query.
Yes, you are free to modify our theme. In a theme we give you dummy content and images, You can change them according to your need. Even you can change copyright text which is available in a footer.
Yes, our theme works with latest WordPress version.
Our theme only works on self-hosted WordPress which is available at “”. After installing WordPress you can use our theme.
As soon as you make purchase theme download link will come to that page also you will get mail to download it. You can easily download a theme from there.
Yes, all our theme works on multisite.
Yes, we have created our theme in such a way that it can support almost all plugin available in a market. However, It is very difficult to test each and every plugin. So if you get any issues either you can contact to our support forum. They will help you in every possible manner to make plugin compatible with the theme. Or you can use any alternate plugin.